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Showing posts from April, 2019

V) How do we know we made a reasonable judgement?

V) How do we know we made a reasonable judgement? I was by my brother in NY, on my way to the airport, and I spotted a book by Umberto Eco on information and open systems.  I borrowed the book (and still have it -- sorry Jacob),  just on the whim that I would enjoy more Eco in my life.  I discovered much more, the book is Eco's earlier writing, semiotics mixed with art and science, and has had a profound affect on me.  Eco makes the argument that Shannon's description of information, a measure of the communicability of a message, provides for a measure of art. If it helps think about 'On Interpretation' by Susan Sontag, experience art without interpreting it.  There is no message not even one that we the viewer creates.   There is no meaning to be had, just an experience.  The flip side of this argument is that when there is interpretation there is meaning.  This view, proposed by Semiotics, states that when two closed systems meet and are ...