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Showing posts from May, 2021

VI) Scale -- hierarchy and distance metrics

VI) Scale -- hierarchy and distance metrics Judgements are phase transitions, they bring us to higher levels of representation. Scale -- hierarchy and distance metrics I wrote the following: Here is a snippet: There can be no metric to measure the distance between two things across levels Why not?  Well simply: 1. A metric to measure distance between two elements requires that the elements be in the same dimension 2. By comparing two elements at different levels we are reducing the higher dimensional object to the lower dimension, this will collapse the information in the system. Here is an example: 1. Assuming I want to measure the health benefits of eating a balanced diet. 2. At a high level I can gather data in a three dimensional space, carbs, protein and fat, macro nutrients. 3. I can also gather data at a lower level that is in a higher dimensional space, we can breakdown protei...