We went through a very painful process, we lost time, the most expense resource on the planet. We also lost some of our people, yet another extremely painful process. But let me back-up a bit in the story. When we started iSkoot there were three core tech challenges, creating a virtual audio driver, transporting the media in realtime to an IP-PBX and scaling the solution. One of these things is not like the other. Scaling the solution demanded that we pay attention to the architecture of the first two core-tech issues. Architecture was the keystone to startups back then. And when we said architecture we meant System & Software Architecture. Today there has been a significant shift in the hi-tech world, systems and software have been replaced by data as the core value of a company and the keystone, that internally magic thing that binds all the elements into a whole. At Blue dot we lived this shift. Blue dot started in the age of System Architecture....