Listening to Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, here is a quote from the web: “But it is also necessary to distinguish Shannon information from information that performs a function or conveys a meaning. We must distinguish sequences of characters that are (a) merely improbable from sequences that are (b) improbable and also specifically arranged so as to perform a function. That is, we must distinguish information-carrying capacity from functional information.” ― Stephen C. Meyer, Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design Meyers speaks of 'information that performs a function or conveys a meaning', I think we are employing different definitions of those key words. Let me try and define his message with my terms. Data: a recorded observation. Data is a thing, an object, as perceived. Information: a metric of data. Just like we measure the weight of things in pounds or grams, we can measure that quantity of data in Information. Me...